Wednesday 20 May 2009

Hawaii and LA

So from where I roughly left off in Hawaii we spent a couple of days up in the north where we went Shark Cage Diving which was great fun (us guys screamed more than the girls!) and then chilled out on the beach and then headed down back to Waikiki beach for our last few days. We visited Pearl Harbour one day and then the next day we spent on the beach with the two girls as they flew to LA that evening. The next couple of days we visited a few other beaches and one evening we met a russian man in our room who bought us beers so we hung out with him for the evening before being joined by 4 germans and an american!

Were now in L.A which has been great fun! as we only have 2 days we have packed it in. Yesterday we went on a tour of LA where we saw lots of celebrities houses and venice beach, we didnt see any celebrities but we saw many people that looked like jacky chan. Today we have been to Universal Studios which has some amazing effects and we saw lots of film sets and went on lots of rides!

Tomorrow morning we head off to New York for a few days and on monday we are heading home! Madness that its all coming to an end!

See you soon!


Tuesday 12 May 2009

The North Shore

We're currently chillin' out in a beachside hut with the two girls we met on the plane (they're both called Becki weird i know!) and have been enjoying the radiant sunshine for the past few days. We began our hawaiian adventure with a two days on the sandy beaches of Waikiki and now we're up on the North Shore. Have already enjoyed the beach at the bottom of our garden and today we even got to swim with turtles that line the beaches, it was amazing!And...tomorrow we're going shark cage diving!!!I'm very excited and think i might just jump ship and not worry about the cage!In a few days time we'll head back to Waikiki to check out Pearl Harbour and Diamond Head. tongiht we had a very delightful dinner prepared by the girls (they come in handy sometimes i.e. I woke up to the smell of pancakes for breakfast) spagetti bolognese and chocolate pudding, apparently its our turn to cook tomorrow night though. Only two weeks today and we catch our flight back to mother England. Hope all is well,

Will (written by one of the Becki's)

Sunday 10 May 2009

Fiji and Hawaii

I have been hopeless at updating this recently so I do apologise. I cant even blame it on being busy as we spent the whole of Fiji sat on lovely islands reading books and chatting to people all day!

Ill sum up Fiji nice and quickly. We were there for 18 days, 14 on the islands travelling around loads of different resorts and meeting loads of really lovely people, played volleyball on the beach every day and then spent the evening playing amusing games! was really nice having some chill out time instead of rushing around seeing places! We then spent a few days on the main land and went and did a bit of shopping in the cheap shops and things like that!

Now we are in Hawaii! Because of passing the data line we lived the 8th May twice which was weird! We met a couple of girls from dorset on the plane and we got on well with tyhem so were now travelling around hawaii with us so thats a nice change (and it means they cook tasty food for us!) from the usual 4 of us! So far in hawaii we have sent a couple of days chilling in the water and on the beach and went to a tasty steak takeaway yesterday. Today we are heading up north with the girls to spend a few days there. All is good and its kind of crazy how soon we will be home but im looking forward to seeing everyone again!

Hope everyone is well,

Will x